corrupt ontario and canada
Post by corrupt ontario and canada on Jul 5, 2017 21:12:07 GMT -5
Norman sabourin of the Canadian Judicial Council dismissed the complaint of Donald Best against a judge in ontario ...the name Sabourin brings up a fraudster Peter sabourin who defrauded investors of 32 million dollars and ontario government dragged feet another Sabourin was a molesting priest in the Catholic church caught up in an inquiry. Seems that Canadian name is synonymous with corruption and cover up. But don't take my words Google it yourself. Let's see who covers up for corrupt judges police lawyers. Hey if you can identify who I am why aren't you ringing my bell then? Are mobsters spying from the air too or corrupt governments? You just let me know you can ID who I am so where r u then?
Post by so sue me on Jul 5, 2017 21:37:02 GMT -5
Your welcome to sue me for telling the truth so come to my door ..I know for a fact if you ever try Letters of Intent to sue will show up at so many parties involved including government law enforcement union etc. I eve. Hear Google will be included What are you waiting for...that's a Canadian song by Autumn Hill isn't it. Then we can ask the tough questions.
Post by so sue me on Jul 5, 2017 23:20:11 GMT -5
We are prepared to go after those who spied on children so why don't you scuzz buckets admit what you did. We will let everyone know what ways you spied on them including FSCO being involved and RCMP. Hey metro toronto police you going to threaten to take some ones little child or was that you together with the rcmp and or government of canada. The same little child attacked with low level microwaves in utero.Perhaps you should have swept the mother for bugs.
Post by so sue me on Jul 5, 2017 23:44:56 GMT -5
Government of Ontario ads state 1 out of 5 children suffer mental health issues. We can thank the gov for heaping mental stress on children involved in this story especially the one hit with low level microwaves while in the womb. To all families fighting the wsib my guess is 5 out of 5 children with parents that have to deal and fight with the wsib suffer from mental health problems. What a bunch of hypocrites.
low level microwaves
Post by low level microwaves on Jul 6, 2017 11:45:47 GMT -5
What does Harry's shavers and dodge ram ads have in common...would that be the rcmp Newmarket on Harry Walker Blvd along with the retrocom players as in Oram a lying union shady rep? HMMM does the rcmp use low level microwaves against those who expose? Why do I ask? Perhaps they can enlighten us about Oct. 2007. Are they in bed with GTU who professed to be the wsib rep? Perhaps GTU will spill the beans in court. I hear lots of people want him axed. Can't keep waiting or as the Police sing...every step you take will be watching you or Calvin Harris sang I'm so close to you right now. Wasn't Mike Harris a former premier of ontario. So the interesting question to ask...was the government of Ontario involved in use of low level microwaves to cover up? Oh wait am I spilling the beans. Did someone threaten with an ad for $25000 for funeral costs? That showed up after threatening a post just like this. Sorry I already have life insurance and won't be using it any time soon. I hear toodles was used by those who think their untouchable.
Post by corrupt people on Jul 6, 2017 13:01:57 GMT -5
Is it true GTU the untouchable rep as he likes to put forth to everyone is on the one with the rfid bugs internet ? Is he on it right now? That would make him corrupt. But wait I hear he was trying to date the girl. We got a good laugh out of it. Ogres have hearts he said.I guess he can stay in his castle surrounded by his moat and play with himself. He should spend more time on the members wsib claims then political endeavors. If the members knew the truth instead of the blown up exaggerated stuff from the union he would have a pink slip. Perhaps you can ask him if he spied on members at work or he was given the information.
Post by corrupt people on Jul 6, 2017 13:08:01 GMT -5
Oh look at that a Phillips ad on here. Was that in reference to Phil the dead IO. I thought we let everyone know the interesting stuff that showed up before this post. Does that mean your going to ring the bell now since you already know who I am but remember those Gang raping cops better be caught. You have had more than a year to go after them.
rfic bugs in people
Post by rfic bugs in people on Jul 6, 2017 14:47:39 GMT -5
Next yime you gutn tgd rfid bug on near thd teeth that sounds like a computer starting up and u do it 2 Times in a row in bed you better be prepared for public exposure. Obviously microwaves are included in this attack. I hear they are trying to get permission to access these posts.
rfid bugs in people
Post by rfid bugs in people on Jul 6, 2017 16:25:16 GMT -5
I heard the wsib rep couldn't share a member's file with anyone incl.IO Mississauga. I hear the file contains information that made the union look bad and GTU would have read it. I hear it was done to expose the union going against members to cover up... to try and find stuff to silence them. I know the naughty stuff of the union and how dangerous it is. Thus a plan in place to silence this member. It's illegal to add attachments to someone's emails being sent. We caught that done in 2009 so obviously done prior to that. It's illegal to stop emails from their intended recipient.
Post by Laser Bugs on Jul 10, 2017 14:17:24 GMT -5
is is true that someone from a certain union confirmed to a member that laser type bugs were being used. The individual already suspected that was being done. Remember what laser can do so these types of bugs would only be used by dirty people. Is it true that the International in Washington was involved as well? Ellie Goulding asks-what are you waiting for? Autumn Hill sings cant keep waiting. Now why would anyone use laser against a regular individual unless they had information to hurt the people involved. Lets see would a rep be a good rep when he meets with his client one time? or would he be a good rep if he didnt arrange a meeting between the rep and the witness who he then dropped the morning of a hearing? most definitely incompetent rep but wait could always go to the Ontario Labour Relations Board that has a dismal record for members who take issue with union representation - I hear its 2 to 3 percent success. Now thats a dismal record for an Ontario entity that our tax dollars support. I would figure the OLRB is in bed with unions with that success rate for members.
Post by laser bugs on Jul 10, 2017 19:00:48 GMT -5
there are 2 types of light bulbs involved and one of them we were told the police liked and it was the led light bulb in a smoke detector and the other one was from a ceiling fan so lets figure out who was in the smoke detector and who was in the ceiling fan---we hear the government of Canada might have been in one of them and the cow in the other along with a president. Better page a lunatic president or wsib rep to find out the answer....lets see now the tool joe gave to the wsib rep to save his political career....hmmm a tool...what would that have beem? ask why the wsib rep needed saving....because he wrote an email exposing union trustees screwing union members? that would be a good reason. who were they using the tool on???
Post by laser bugs on Jul 10, 2017 19:43:15 GMT -5
we hear the union was in the car and on phones of a member that was exposing them. Perhaps once again the lunatic president or wsib rep would care to comment because with respect to the wsib rep you wouldnt go to the lengths you did to give substandard representation to a member unless you were paid to do so? Was someone stealing mail? ?? directed to law enforcement?
Post by laser bugs on Jul 11, 2017 10:59:29 GMT -5
We could ask the wsib rep did he have fun stealing information in the lunch room at work?? or how about bugs on a phone line-or how about bugs in name tags to access secured sites (they do have chips in them) --- so much fun....was ontario government stealing stuff as well.............was laser used at a tribunal hearing? ?? all great questions that can be asked in the public forum since obviously just like Gerry Duffet someone created a stir, ruffled feathers, someone tried to run someone over on the way to work etc. no better place to out it then online....hard to cover it up then-oh no actually you just stop access to a certain site indicating cyber terrorism. But nonetheless doesnt really matter because its quite obvious any threats to intimidate are ignored and the challenge is---come to the door and ring the bell. You know when they are at home. The bugs outside know as well.
Post by laser bugs on Jul 11, 2017 15:41:56 GMT -5
I am an independent journalist--so come and take issue with the stories I post..gerry Duffet obviously was pushed into becoming an avid internet poster heraldng the rights of citizens against gang stalking and harassment and putting his livelihood at risk because of his story and his mental and physical health. Those who are gang stalked and harassed are pushed into being made to look delusional and they are not. I believe that posting on the internet is therapeutic for those gang stalked and harassed and whistle blowers who try to expose subjected to relentless intimidation.
Post by laser bugs on Jul 11, 2017 16:23:12 GMT -5
we hear that goons of the union were in members cars and they link to the Ontario government. Perhaps our GTU wants to answer that............whose toes did we just step on and certain email....did we just burst someones bubble recently.............that email is real in case a certain government is on that one or a certain contractor well we let them know we know.........and those mobsters seen in trade unions were not afraid to state that publicly. You dont need to be mobsters now do you? you can always change for the better.... hey and that message---their deal is our everyday deal.... we dont make deals with anyone...come to the door and we can decide to sue you or not....plain and simple.........we could name those we know are on that email...... or are you going to hit the tv again?